What did

Medieval Fare
* Blaunche escrepes - white crepes or pancakes.
* Crispels - round pastries basted in honey.
* Frytour blaunched - an almond-filled pastry baked in honey & wine.
* Pokerounce - honey & pinenuts on toasted white bread.
* Soupes dorroy - toasted bread in almond milk, onions, & wine.
* Soupes dorye - toasted bread in a wine sauce.
* Tourteletes in fryture - small fig pies basted with honey.
* Daryols - a simple quiche.
* Doucettes a-forcyd - an almond milk pie.
* For to make Comyne - a dish of almond milk & cumin, thickened with eggs.
* Gehalbirte ayer - stuffed eggs.
* Tart de Bry - a cheese tart.
* Crispels - round pastries basted in honey.
* For to make chireseye - a cherry pudding decorated with flowers.
* Frytour blaunched - an almond-filled pastry baked in honey & wine.
* Pokerounce - honey & pinenuts on toasted white bread.
* Rys - almond milk rice.
* Rysshews of fruyt - spiced rissoles of fruit.
* Tourteletes in fryture - small fig pies basted with honey.
* A dauce egre - fish in a sweet and sour onion sauce.
* Crabbe or Lopster boiled - crab or lobster served with vinegar.
* Puddyng of purpaysse - stuffed porpoise stomach.
* Shrympes - shrimp served with vinegar.
* Tart de brymlent - a fish & fruit pie.
* To make Nowmbyls of Muskyls - shellfish in a thick almond milk sauce.
* Benes yfryed - fried beans with garlic & onions.
* Cabochis - a simple cabbage dish.
* Fruays - an apple bread pudding.
* For to make chireseye - a cherry pudding decorated with flowers.
* French iowtes - peas porridge with onions.
* Frytour of pasternakes, of skirwittes, & of apples - batter-fried carrots, parsnips & apples, dressed in almond milk.
* Rysshews of fruyt - spiced rissoles of fruit.
* Soupes dorroy - toasted bread in almond milk, onions, & wine.
* Spynoches yfryed - fried spinach.
* Potage of Rice - a thick rice dish, colored gold.
* Rys - almond milk rice.
* To make frumente - wheat cooked in milk & broth.
* A bake Mete Ryalle - pork & chicken pies.
* Beef y-Stywyd - stewed beef ribs.
* Brawn en Peuerade - pork or chicken in a thick wine sauce.
* Chauden for potage - a meat pottage.
* Connynges in Cyrip - rabbit in a wine-currant sauce.
* Connynges in grauey - rabbit in broth.
* Crustade gentyle - a pork and almond milk pie.
* Doucettes - a pork & egg pie, seasoned with honey & pepper.
* For to make Buknade - a dish of veal and eggs.
* For to make charmerchande - lamb stewed with sage and parsley.
* For to make Conys in Hogepoche - rabbit in a wine/ale sauce.
* Hattes - small meat-filled pastries shaped like Medieval hats.
* Mortreus de Chare - a recipe for pork mortrews, a dish of ground meat thickened with eggs and bread crumbs.
* Potage for somer season - a pottage of pork, veal, & almond milk, coloured with violets.
* Poume d'oranges - pork meatballs made to resemble oranges.
* Pygge y-farsyd - stuffed roasted pig.
* Raphioles - a sausage-meatball pie!
* Tartee - pork and fruit pie, topped with whole chicken pieces.
* Tartelettes - pork dumplings in meat sauce.
* Tartes of flessh - pork, chicken, & rabbit pie.
* Tartletes - veal & fruit pie.
* Venyson in Broth - venison ribs in wine.
* Botere of almand melk - butter made from almond milk.
* Pokerounce - honey & pine nuts on toasted white bread.
* A bake Mete Ryalle - pork & chicken pies.
* Brawn en Peuerade - pork or chicken in a thick wine sauce.
* Capon Inzucarati - sugared capons.
* Chike endored - chicken glazed with a golden batter.
* Crustade - an egg & chicken pie, topped with whole chicken pieces.
* For to dihyte a swan - roasted swan with Chaudon.
* For to make Chekyns in sauce - chicken in a wine sauce.
* Heyroun - roasted heron.
* Tartee - pork and fruit pie, topped with whole chicken pieces.
* Chaudon - sauce for roasted swan.
* For Qualing of Mylk - how to thicken milk.
* For to make Jusselle syngle - meat broth flavoured with sage & ale.
* Galyntyne- a recipe for Galyntine Sauce.
* Oyle soppes - an onion-ale soup served over bread.
* Sawse blaunche for capouns ysode - an almond sauce for chicken.
* To make frumente - wheat cooked in milk & broth.
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